A Jacked Experience

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How Effective Are The Goals You’re Working Toward?

“The think about goals is that living without them is a lot more fun, in the short run. It seems to me, though, that the people who get things done, who lead, who grow and who make an impact…. Those people have goals”

~Seth Godin

Goal setting is without question a critical tool for most people as a way of moving toward a desired and productive life. Imagine trying to get somewhere, but not knowing where that somewhere is - no actual destination in mind. You will likely wander and stumble upon somewhere.

That said, most of us are quite used to setting goals. Goals for what to get done in a day, for how much we want to weigh, for how much we need to sell to hit a quota, for how much we need to save for retirement. Some say how old they want to be by the time they achieve a certain level of leadership. How many of you feel the goals you have set are achievable? Why? Why not?

Take a moment now, think about the goals you’ve set and achieved? Which one’s didn’t you achieve? What’s the difference between the two?

There are many types of goals. There are the goals others set for us (Quotas & Targets), the goals we set for ourselves (anything from losing a few pounds, lifting heavy weights, saving money, being a better leader). Each goal set with purpose, and important in it’s own right and context. So what makes us able to achieve and motivate ourselves against some goals and not others?

Why is losing 5lbs so much more productive for someone with a health condition or perhaps an upcoming wedding or competition versus someone else looking to shed a few pounds? People note not having the motivation, or enough discipline. But where do those come from? Meaningfulness. A meaningful goal is motivating, because it serves a purpose and comes with real or perceived reward or consequence. One suddenly becomes extremely resourceful in the way they approach achieving a meaningful goal, able to motivate and hold themselves accountable without hesitation.

How do we create meaningful goals for ourselves, or as a leader – with or for someone else? How do we gain “buy in” from ourselves or others for a goal? This comes from uncovering the meaning and value of a goal. Digging beneath the surface to understand how a goal serves someone. What will be gained by achieving the goal? What is at stake?

I challenge you to take a look at the goals you have created for yourself and ask yourself the questions. Really reflect on what your goals mean to you. Are you on the right path? Where did your goals come from? Where are they taking you?

Goal setting is a critical first step of the Coaching process. Coaching with out goals is an expensive friendship. Goals anchor the process to create accountability and progress for the Coachee guaranteeing a return on investment. By ensuring meaningful goals are set, meaningful results are guaranteed. 

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”

~Andrew Carnegie 


Contact me for a complimentary 30-minute goal setting session at jrose@ajackedexperience.com.