A Jacked Experience

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SEMINAR: Mindset. The Power & Possibility

Like most athletes, as a Provincial, National and Varsity level softball player, I had my “go to” routines. I had a routine for my warm ups, my pre-game prep, you name it, right down to what kind of hair elastic I used, what foods I would eat, which routes I drove to the softball diamonds, where I would park, how I packed my equipment bag, the number of warm up swings I would take. I stepped onto the pitching mound (in my pitching days) with the same foot first every time, and stepped back off if something distracted me, including the batter. I had a breathing routine every time I stepped into the batters box, I’d listen to my exhale imagining it slowing down my heart beat enough that I could hear over it but drown out the rest of the noise in the park. I prepared physically and mentally before every game, every practice as if my life depended on my performance.

Most athletes can likely relate. We control the “controllables”. Outside of these routines, nothing is certain in sport or in life. Variables like the weather, how well we slept, how our body is feeling, what our partner or team is feeling, how good or bad our day has been so far, what stress we might be under, what deadlines are pressing… you get the point. There is so much in this world that is outside of our control.

Our responses to situations are where we differentiate, largely determined by a little thing known as Mindset. A powerful variable that we have control over. We have the ability to choose the perspective from which we see a situation, and as a result, how we respond to it. We choose how we define for ourselves what success and failure look like, and the weight and meaning those definitions carry for us individually.

When we become aware of what our Mindset is, and it’s power to help or hurt our progress, we gain the ability to change it.

Find out how your Mindset is affecting your progress. Stop letting the “uncontrollables” throw you off your game. Learn how to put your mind to work for you, maximizing your potential both personally and professionally by choosing to adopt a Growth Mindset.

Click here to sign up for the “MINDSET: The Power & Possibility” Seminar on December 9th.


#Mindset #GrowthMindset #MindsetSeminar #GetOutOfYourOwnWay #YouAreStrongerThanYouThink #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Leadership #LifeSkill #LifeLesson #Learning #Potential #Possibility #GetOutOfYourOwnWay #Coach #Coaching