Real Leadership Doesn't Happen Behind a Desk

Real Leadership Doesn't Happen Behind a Desk

We've all developed our own ideas of how to lead. For too many of us, our experience of other leaders is how busy they are. How many meetings they attend. How many calls they are on. How hard it can be to get on their calendar. How important something needs to be to bring it to them.

Leadership isn't just about the business stuff. It's about the people stuff. It's about understanding and enabling our people to be their best selves. Sometimes that means just knowing what's going on. Being present. Recognizing a bad day, or something that might be happening for an associate outside the office.

Try as we might as humans to categorize our lives. To create different versions of ourselves for every part of life we show up in. The reality is, we are the same person in everything that we do. Our challenges in one area of life will surely show up in all the others too. Whether it's a habit or a belief or how we communicate - it is part of who we are.

As Leaders, our people need us to understand that, and sometimes help our people understand that about themselves. Only then can they find their own path to bringing their best selves forward.

Get out from behind your desk. How are you serving your people? What do they need in order to bring their best selves forward?

How are your people showing up today?

When we hire the right people for the job, the last thing we need to be doing as Leaders is focusing on telling them how to do the job. Instead, it is our responsibility to identify and remove the real and perceived obstacles that get in the way of our people performing at their best.

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